It’s about designing conversations that light up your brand


Presentation Partner

Continuous Presentation Services

We want to make sure that your team is equipped with the right and latest tools to make the most of each presentation opportunity.

As your Presentation Partner we make our network of presentation specialists available to you, so we can assist in the best possible way.

Your teams are presenting weekly, and the material they use needs constant work. A long-term partnership is where we make the most impact together.

Building slides

(Re)Design content

Presentation review

Writing narrative

Sparring partner

Customer Research

Meeting Facilitation

Recommand tools & tech

Meeting Preparation

Presentation Check up

Analysis and assessment of your current presentations

This is where we discover what makes an even bigger fire. We will research your presentation resources to recommend ways for you to improve. It has probably been a while since you’ve had an objective review of your current presentations.

After the Presentation Checkup, we will present our recommendations, and in addition inform you about:

  • New presentation tools & tech
  • Presentation trends
  • Suitable trainings
  • Industry best practices

When was the last
time you got complemented
on your presentation?

Presentation Designs

Transform your presentation into visual stories
We go way beyond just designing slides. This is about designing the best conversation between you and your audience, and all the support required to strengthen your delivery. Everyone is their own type of speaker. Let’s find your match.

This can be a new slide designs, setting you up with new tools, or for us to write new stories. Whatever sets your presentations ablaze!

If you are done presenting S.A.F.E. (Small, Achievable, Following and Easy)
And you want to present B.O.L.D.
Then this is for you

Presentation Trainings

Grow and learn new presentation skills

Our mission is to rid the world of boring, idea-killing presentations and therefor we want (need!) our training participants to bring their presentations to the next level.

We’re so done with those typical PowerPoint presentations. Let’s challenge the status quo and explore all the new trends and methods of presenting.

Visual Design & Tools

Story Building

Connect & Command

Virtual Presenting

Presentation Trainings

Visual Design & Tools

The starting point of this training is the presentation material you’ll bring. This is about enabling you to make the most impactful visual support; you as a presenter should still be in the center. If there is one thing we’ll show you, it is about how to make your presentations more conversational – instead of killing your audience with slides and bullet points.

We’ll start thinking like designers and discuss all ingredients that will make your slides – the use of imagery, colours, text, placement, transitions, animations and more. All to strengthen your message.

Next to this, we will also explore other, trending ways of presenting. PowerPoint is not the only tool you know…

  • Duration: 2 times 3 hours (two separate days)
  • This offering can be both virtual or on location

Story Building

The starting point of this training is the presentation material you’ll bring. This is about enabling you to make the most impactful visual support; you as a presenter should still be in the center. If there is one thing we’ll show you, it is about how to make your presentations more conversational – instead of killing your audience with slides and bullet points.

We’ll start thinking like designers and discuss all ingredients that will make your slides – the use of imagery, colours, text, placement, transitions, animations and more. All to strengthen your message.

Next to this, we will also explore other, trending ways of presenting. PowerPoint is not the only tool you know…

  • Duration: 2 times 3 hours (two separate days)
  • This offering can be both virtual or on location

Connect & Command

The starting point of this training is the presentation material you’ll bring. This is about enabling you to make the most impactful visual support; you as a presenter should still be in the center. If there is one thing we’ll show you, it is about how to make your presentations more conversational – instead of killing your audience with slides and bullet points.

We’ll start thinking like designers and discuss all ingredients that will make your slides – the use of imagery, colours, text, placement, transitions, animations and more. All to strengthen your message.

Next to this, we will also explore other, trending ways of presenting. PowerPoint is not the only tool you know…

  • Duration: 2 times 3 hours (two separate days)
  • This offering can be both virtual or on location

Virtual Presenting

The starting point of this training is the presentation material you’ll bring. This is about enabling you to make the most impactful visual support; you as a presenter should still be in the center. If there is one thing we’ll show you, it is about how to make your presentations more conversational – instead of killing your audience with slides and bullet points.

We’ll start thinking like designers and discuss all ingredients that will make your slides – the use of imagery, colours, text, placement, transitions, animations and more. All to strengthen your message.

Next to this, we will also explore other, trending ways of presenting. PowerPoint is not the only tool you know…

  • Duration: 2 times 3 hours (two separate days)
  • This offering can be both virtual or on location